About This Site

This site has been created simply to help others to play and enjoy the instrument that is the Ukulele.

Although it is run and set up by just one person, it is actually the result of many peoples work and input. The ethos here is that visitors are encouraged to ask for songs, discuss methods and suggest improvements that may help others. I am learning to play myself and need somewhere online to store and organise all the hints and tips I've been collecting so this seems to be the perfect way to do it.

It's a collaborative effort where we can all learn together so feel free to leave a voicemail message, leave a comment and share some of your ideas/progress.

Everything is posted on the main "Home" page with links on each of the different pages. You'll also find the "tags" at the bottom of the pages so you'll always be able to find what you are looking for, as long as it's here. If not... just leave a message or head to the "Contact Me" page.

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